You are organizing an event in a site that is not specifically designed for receiving public (outdoor space, warehouse…) and you want to optimize the respect of safety regulations ? You would like to assign an expert to the management of those sensitive issues.
The mission of the person in charge of safety is that he must establish a safety file that will be submitted to the safety commision. In addition to that, he is responsible for drawing up a final report in which he gives his opinion regarding the opening of one portion or the whole of the event to the public.
Articel T5 from January 11th 2000 Decree (Safety regulation of June 25th 1980) :
« Any organizer of an event taking place in an institution receiving public has to use a professional in charge of safety. ». Article T5 from January 11th 2000 Decree.
Process for the professional in charge of safety :
Prior to the event :
– Enquiry on the fire safety requirements for the exhibitors and providers.
– Visit of the institution.
– Drawing up of the safety file and joint signing with the organizer prior to sending it to the authorities (At least 2 months before the event’s opening.)
– Administrative letters.
– Meeting with the Departemental Fire and Emergency Service and the prefecture.
During the installation of the event and prior to opening to the public :
Presence of the person in charge of the safety during the process of installation.
Supervision of the booth installation.
Presentation and drawing up of the final safety report required by the January 11th 2000 Decree and made available to the authorities at the organizer’s office.
During the event :
Presence of the person in charge of safety during the whole event