Fire safety instruction

This mission aims at assisting the contracting authority or your architect in the drawing up of the regulatory document.

This mission includes the description of the institution and the project.


The aim of the mission ‘Fire Safety Instruction’ is to assist you in the drawing up of the regulatory document :

  • Our experience and the whole of our understanding of standards and regulations in force.
  • The more appropriate solutions for your institution.
  • The consideration of your technical and financial exploitation’s constraints
  • Drawing up of the derogation(s).
  • The assessment of your needs.


We study and elaborate the technical documents necessary to the deposit of your file whilst adjusting the regulation to your institution and taking into account your financial constraints.


This document is submitted to the administrative authority and to the views of the safety commission.


The design firm Alliance Prévention Incendie is not entitled to carry out the existing plans of the institution.

The operator will have to provide us a computerized  and updated DWG version in order to carry out the file.


In charge of safety mission (Type T)

You are organizing an event in a site that is not specifically designed for receiving public (outdoor space, warehouse…) and you want to optimize the respect of safety regulations ? You would like to assign an expert to the management of those sensitive issues.
The mission of the person in charge of safety is that he must establish a safety file that will be submitted to the safety commision. In addition to that, he is responsible for drawing up a final report in which he gives his opinion regarding the opening of one portion or the whole of the event to the public.

Articel T5 from January 11th 2000 Decree (Safety regulation of June 25th 1980) :

« Any organizer of an event taking place in an institution receiving public has to use a professional in charge of safety. ». Article T5 from January 11th 2000 Decree.


Process for the professional in charge of safety :

Prior to the event :

– Enquiry on the fire safety requirements for the exhibitors and providers.
– Visit of the institution.
– Drawing up of the safety file and joint signing with the organizer prior to sending it to the authorities (At least 2 months before the event’s opening.)
– Administrative letters.
– Meeting with the Departemental Fire and Emergency Service and the prefecture.

During the installation of the event and prior to opening to the public :
Presence of the person in charge of the safety during the process of installation.
Supervision of the booth installation.
Presentation and drawing up of the final safety report required by the January 11th 2000 Decree and made available to the authorities at the organizer’s office.


During the event :

Presence of the person in charge of safety during the whole event

Removale of unfavorable opinions

This mission permits us to assist you at the safety commission. There will be two
visits of the site :
The purpose of the first visit is to assess :

– The last two reports of the safety commission
– Take into account the provisions issued
– Check the safety register as well as the technical verifications carried out
– It includes a visit of the institution and of the improvements that must absolutely be done

You will receive a brief report in order to remove observations and provisons.
Assistance during the safety commission

Fire Safety Study


Made compulsory by the regulation of June 25th, 1980 article MS 53 § 2 as well as the standards NFS 61-931, NFS 61-932 and NFS 61-970, the ‘Fire Safety Systems Coordination’ mission aims at ensuring the continuity of your installation at every step : during its implementation or its replacement, during its modifications or extensions.


The Fire Safety Coordination consists in ensuring the institution’s responsible that his installation is :

– In conformity with the standards and regulation in force.

– Properly made.

– Provided with its identity file


It includes the achievement of the following listed tasks :

– Conceptual phase
– Construction phase
– Approval phase


Aim of the mission :

– Defining the type of aircraft depending on the classification and type of institution.
– Establishing a functional product specification.
– Defining the rescuing and safing scenario.
– Establishing the correlation chart
– Establishing the chart between zones
– Achieving the zoning plans
– Analysing the offers of various companies.
– Establishing a schedule.
– Scheduling some project meetings.
– Carrying out some unannounced visits of the site.
– Establishing reports of the visits and technical advices.
– Confirming the answers to the issues encountered on the site.
– Receiving the installation in the presence of the installer and the approved inspection body that has been chosen by the operator.
– Establishing a report of the reception.
– Attending the safety commission.

The design firm Alliance Prévention Incendie is not entitled to carry out the existing plans of the institution.
The operator will have to provide us a computerized and updated DWG version in order to carry out the file.

Fire audit or diagnosis

This mission provided by our design firm is a fundamental step in order to assess the safety level
of an institution already existing or about to be acquired.

It allows to establish an inventory in compliance to the applicable regulation during the visit ofthe accessible and visible sections.

Warning : it is advisable to have the seller’s agreement before scheduling an appointment. To check the classification and the type(s) based on the available activities. To check the safety commission’s last report.

To check the content of the fire safety register and its ongoing maintenance contracts. During the implementation of those missions, you will be given a report including the regulatory articles and an approximative assessment of the construction work to achieve. This mission prevents you from having unpleasant surprises when you acquire an institution. Warning : these documents do not replace nor substitute the drawing up of a fire safety instruction or of a fire safety improvement study.

Assistance at the safety commission


This mission allows us to help you at the Safety Commission.
It includes two visits of the site taking into account :

– The last two reports of the safety commission.
– The provisions issued.

– To check the safety register as well as the technical verifications carried out.
You will receive a brief report in order to remove observations and provisions.
Assistance through the safety commission.

Closure order

This mission permits us to assist you with the administrative authorities and the safety commission.
It consists in carrying out several visits of the site in order to check the following elements :

– Taking into account the provisions of the safety commission’s transcript.
– Establishing the institution’s overall description.
– Drawing up a fire safety instruction.
– Establishing one derogation or more if necessary after having used up the whole of the situations.
– Meeting the administrative authorities.
– Establishing a timetable for the work.
– Establishing an accessibility instruction.
– You will attend the safety commission to receive the work and obtain the permission to operate.


The design firm Alliance Prévention Incendie is not entitled to carry out the existing plans of the institution.
The operator will have to provide us a computerized and updated DWG version in order to carry out the file.


The aim of that mission is to support the contracting authority in an industrial institution sumbitted to declaration, recording, authorization…

Definition of Installations Classified for the Protection of the Environment

Any depot, construction site, factory, workshop and more generally any installation used or possessed by a moral or physical, public or private individual is regarded as a classified installation for it can pose dangers or disadvantages for :

– The neighborhood’s convenience
– Health, safety, public wholesomeness
– Agriculture
– Nature and the environment protection
– The rational use of energy

– The preservation of monuments and sites

Some of the archaeological heritage elements
The Installation Classified are submitted to a specific regulation in conformity with the articles from the Environmental Code, Fifth Book, First title (legislative and regulatory parts) The activities involved are defined by a classification that separates them into different parts : declaration, recording or authorization based on the seriousness of the dangers or disadvantages they can constitute.
Articles L 511-1 and the following ones of the Environmental Code.
Articles R 511-9 and the following ones of the Environmental Code.


Installations Classified submitted to declaration (D)

The installations that do not pose serious dangers or disadvantages -but that has to comply with general requirements enacted by the minister in charge of Installation Classified – are submitted to declaration.
Articles L 512-8 to L 512-13 of the Environmental Code
Articles R 512-47 and the following ones of the Environmental Code


Installations Classified submitted to recording (E)

The order of June 11th, 2009 together with two Decrees from April 13th, 2010 have established a new simplified system of authorization known as ‘recording’ within the installations classified’s system. This new procedure intends to create an intermediate system between the declaration and authorization systems, when the risk is controlled.
Order n°2009-663 of June 11th, 2009 related to the recording of some Installations Classified for the Protection of the Environment, Official Newspaper of June 12th, 2009.
Decree n°2010-368 of April 13th, 2010 including various clauses related to Installations Classified for the Protection of the Environment and establishing the recording procedure applicable to some of these installations Official Newspaper of April 14th, 2010.
Decree n°2010-367 of April 13th, 2010 that modified the Installations Classified nomenclature and included some sections to the recording schem Official Newspaper of April 14th, 2010
The installations posing serious dangers or disadvantages for the interest mentioned in the Environmental Code’s article L511-1 are submitted to recording when these dangers and disadvantages may, in theory, and in view of the installations’ characteristics and potential impact, be prevented by the respect of the general requirements enacted by the minister in charge of the Installations Classified.
Articles L 512-7 and the following ones of the Environmental Code.
Articles R 512-46-1 and the following one of the Environmental Code.


Installations Classified submitted to authorization (A)

The installations posing serious dangers or disadvantages for the environment are submitted to a prefectural authorization. The authorization is then issued only if the dangers and disadvantages can be prevented by some measures specified in the authorization prefectural Decree.
Articles L 512-1 to L 512-6-1 of the Environmental Code.
Articles R 512-2 and the following ones of the Environmental Code.


Installations Classified submitted to authorization (A) and to the IPPC/IED directives (Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control / Industrial Emissions Directive).

The IPPC directive of January 15th, 2008 related to the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control that has been redesigned by the IED directive of November 24th, 2010, impose to some major industrial installations, waste treatment installations, etc..some specific provisions.
These installations, originally listed in the appendix of the June 29th, 2004 Decree, are now recognized within the Installations Classified for the Protection of the Environment nomenclature, under rubrics 3000.
Directive n° 2008/1 of January 15th, 2008 related to the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (known as IPPC).
Directive n°2010/75 of November 24th, 2010 related to the industrial emissions (known as IED) Official Newspaper of the European Union of December 17th, 2010.
Decrees n°2013-374 and n°2013-375 of May 2nd, 2013 modifying the nomenclature of the Installations Classified, Official Newspaper of May 4th, 2013.


Installations Classified submitted to authorization and public easement or “Seveso” (AS)

When some authorization requests relate to an Installation Classified for the Protection of the Environment that will be implanted on a new location and that is likely to create, through danger of explosion or emanation of harmful products, some very serious risks to the safety and health of the neighbouring population and to the environment, some public easement can be imposed.
These provisions are as well applicable as a consequence of additional risks created by a new installation on an existing site, or by the modification of an existing installation requiring the delivery of a new authorization.
Articles L 515-8 to L 515-12 of the Environmental Code.
Articles R 515-24 to R 515-31 of the Environmental Code.

Our aim is to bring our regulatory help in terms of fire safety, building isolation, alarm, smoke removal and the establishment of the blueprint.